African christian biography conference

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  • African christian biography conference

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  • African christian biography conference boston...

    Conference Overview: African Christian Biography: Narratives, Beliefs, and Boundaries

    The Center for Global Christianity and Mission at Boston University hosted the conference on the theme of “African Christian Biography: Narratives, Beliefs, and Boundaries,” from Thursday, October 29 to Saturday, October Approximately sixty scholars and graduate students converged on the School of Theology from Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Ghana, Great Britain, and various universities in the United States and Canada to present papers and discuss issues on the theme of African Christian Biography.

    As an intersection between scholars in religious studies and African studies, the conference was a venue for cross-fertilization between the various fields represented. Furthermore, it was an opportunity to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the Dictionary of African Christian Biography (DACB).

    In the opening plenary, DACB Project Director Jonathan Bonk presented a brief historical overview by looking