Gaucho biography

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    Gaucho Culture and History: Argentina&#;s Cowboys

    If you’re heading to Argentina, odds are ‘gauchos’ are already on your radar.

    Gaucho biography

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  • Whether in Buenos Aires or heading to their stomping grounds in Patagonia, the culture of these rustic cowboys is at your fingertips. Celebrated for their solitary and nomadic lifestyles, superb horsemanship and elaborate attire, the gaucho culture is deeply rooted in the country’s history and still alive today.

    The Evolution of the Gaucho

    The traditionally nomadic gaucho lifestyle was forced to evolve as owners of  large estates, known as estancias, began fencing the vast plains across Argentina&#;s Pampa region to create cattle farms.

    This process is often referred to as the “domestication of the gaucho”. Though their free-range lifestyle has evolved, the reputation and lasting impact of the gaucho culture carries on. These wandering cowboys have hardly become domesticated &#; rather, they&#;ve adapted.

    Like their predecessors, these gauchos tak