Sandra cisneros full biography of katy

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    Sandra cisneros full biography of katy

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  • Sandra cisneros full biography of katy allen
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    “Over 55 Years of Experience

    Custom Quality Work “

    - After my father’s business card for his upholstery business

    About my life and work

    I was born in Chicago in 1954, the third child and only daughter in a family of seven children.

    I studied at Loyola University of Chicago (B.A. English, 1976) and the University of Iowa (M.F.A. Creative Writing, 1978).

    I've worked as a teacher and counselor to high-school dropouts, as an artist-in-the-schools where I taught creative writing at every level except first grade and pre-school, a college recruiter, an arts administrator, and as a visiting writer at a number of universities including the University of California, Berkeley,