Zane grey biography frank gruber linkedin
Zane grey biography frank gruber linkedin profile
Zane grey biography frank gruber linkedin photos...
Long ago, the name Zane Grey became a household world, and is known around the world. He was very rich; at one time the world's highest paid author. But it was not always that way.
He was born Pearl Zane Gray in Zanesville, Ohio, January 31, 1872.
His father was a farmer, preacher, and dentist.
Zane grey biography frank gruber linkedin
It was Doc Gray's desire that his son would also become a dentist, and before his fame Zane Grey fulfilled this desire.
The young Gray became proficient in the art of baseball, and actually won a scholarship to the University of Pennsylvania where his playing won fame for the school and himself.
Newspapers carried stories and articles about his exploits on the diamond.
Encouraged by an editor to write a fishing story which appeared in Recreation Magazine, May 1902, Zane Grey decided to become a writer. He had